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Leonard D. Utley

Ne3rdom Quick Review: Bayonetta 2 (Nintendo Switch)


  • BadAss Female Lead Character

  • Smooth 60fps in handheld and docked mode

  • Sleek and Sexy Art Style

  • Enemy Variety and stage design is impressive

  • Larger scale than first game

  • Tons of collectibles and unlockables in game

  • Amiibo Support for costumes and items

  • Costumes also have bonuses(Not just Cosmetic)

  • Campy Soundtrack fits the game well

  • Retail copy included Bayonetta the original game for free

  • Cohesive Story

  • Memorable side characters

  • Improves upon an already stellar original game


  • Only 720p in handheld and docked mode

  • Humor can be very campy

  • Easier difficulty than the original game

Ne3rdom Quick Review Score:


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