"Darksoulers 3"
Gameplay is a mix of God of War/Bayonetta/Zelda/Darksouls
Unique art style and character designs
Great Soundtrack
Combat feels simplistic yet layered and has hidden depth
Controls are tight and responsive
The game's difficulty forces you to "Get Good"
Boss Designs are Amazing
Puzzles add a welcome change of pace to gameplay
Fury's various forms offer different ways to experience the in game world
Fans of the first two games will appreciate the narrative
Glad that the series has another entry
Game world feels too empty
Fury is not as like-able as Death or War, she seems like Ivy from Soul Calibur/Bayonetta but not as charming
Some Cheesy/Cliche character interactions
Level-Scaling prevents you from feeling "All Powerful"
Minor camera issues
Some graphical glitches
Less polished than previous games in the series
Checkpoints could be placed in better locations
Lack of loot
Content that was in previous games locked behind DLC -(Abyssal Armor)